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python – How to measure download speed and progress using requests? – Stack Overflow
以及后来想到了,可以通过计算chunk/时间 得到 实时的当前chunk的下载速度
    def download(self,task):
        totalSizeStr = ""
            r1 = requests.get(url, stream=True)
            total_size = int(r1.headers['Content-Length']) # 447681304
            totalSizeStr = CommonUtils.formatSize(total_size)
            logging.info("app total size: %s", totalSizeStr)
            total_size = None
        temp_size = os.path.getsize(filepath) if os.path.exists(filepath) else 0
        headers = {
            'Range': 'bytes=%d-' % temp_size,
            "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.81 Safari/537.36",
        r = requests.get(url, stream=True, headers=headers)
        # ChunkSize = 1024*1024*10 # 10MB
        ChunkSize = 1024*1024*20 # 20MB
        with open(filepath, "ab") as f:
            for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=ChunkSize):
                if chunk:
                    temp_size += len(chunk)
                    ratio = round(100 * temp_size / total_size,2) if total_size is not None else "unknown"
                    tempSizeStr = CommonUtils.formatSize(temp_size)
                    logging.info("download {0} {1}/{2} {3}%".format(appname, tempSizeStr, totalSizeStr, ratio))

        downloadTimeSecondsFloat = CommonUtils.calcTimeEnd(downloadCalcTimeKey) # 259.60212874412537
        downloadTimeDict = CommonUtils.floatSecondsToDatetimeDict(downloadTimeSecondsFloat) # {'days': 0, 'hours': 0, 'microseconds': 128, 'millseconds': 602, 'minutes': 4, 'seconds': 19}
        del downloadTimeDict["millseconds"]
        del downloadTimeDict["microseconds"]
        downloadTimeStr = CommonUtils.datetimeDictToStr(downloadTimeDict) # '00:04:19'
        if total_size:
            totalSizeStr = CommonUtils.formatSize(total_size) # '426.9MB'
            speedFloat = total_size / downloadTimeSecondsFloat # 1724490.1117172781
            speedStr = "%s/s" % CommonUtils.formatSize(speedFloat) # '1.6MB/s'
            totalSizeStr = "Unkown"
            speedStr = "Unkown"
        # logging.info("download {} end".format(appname))
        logging.info("download %s end, size=%s, time=%s, speed=%s", appname, totalSizeStr, downloadTimeStr, speedStr)
        # ChunkSize = 1024*1024*10 # 10MB
        ChunkSize = 1024*1024*20 # 20MB
        with open(filepath, "ab") as f:
            startTime = time.time()
            prevTime = startTime
            for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=ChunkSize):
                if chunk:
                    curTime = time.time()

                    downloadedSize += len(chunk)
                    if total_size is not None:
                        downloadedPercent = round(100 * downloadedSize / total_size, 2)
                        downloadedPercent = "unknown"

                    downloadedSizeStr = CommonUtils.formatSize(downloadedSize)

                    curChunkTime = curTime - prevTime
                    instantSpeed = chunk / curChunkTime
                    instantSpeedStr = CommonUtils.formatSize(instantSpeed)

                    curDownloadedTime = curTime - startTime
                    averageSpeed = downloadedSize / curDownloadedTime
                    averageSpeedStr = CommonUtils.formatSize(averageSpeed)

                    logging.info("download %s size: %s/%s %s%%, speed: avg=%s now=%s",
                        appname, downloadedSizeStr, totalSizeStr, downloadedPercent, averageSpeedStr, instantSpeedStr)

                    prevTime = curTime
        headers = {
            'Range': 'bytes=%d-' % totalDownloadedSize,
            "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.81 Safari/537.36",
        r = requests.get(url, stream=True, headers=headers)
        ChunkSize = 1024*1024*10 # 10MB
        # ChunkSize = 1024*1024*20 # 20MB
        with open(filepath, "ab") as f:
            startTime = time.time()
            prevTime = startTime
            for chunkBytes in r.iter_content(chunk_size=ChunkSize):
                if chunkBytes:
                    curDownloadedSize = len(chunkBytes) # 10485760
                    curTime = time.time() # 1606456020.0718982

                    totalDownloadedSize += curDownloadedSize # 10485760
                    if total_size is not None:
                        downloadedPercent = round(100 * totalDownloadedSize / total_size, 2) # 0.7
                        downloadedPercent = "Unknown"

                    downloadedSizeStr = CommonUtils.formatSize(totalDownloadedSize) # '10.0MB'

                    curDownloadTime = curTime - prevTime # 15.63818907737732
                    instantSpeed = curDownloadedSize / curDownloadTime # 670522.651191692
                    instantSpeedStr = CommonUtils.formatSize(instantSpeed) # '654.8KB'

                    totalDownloadTime = curTime - startTime # 15.63818907737732
                    averageSpeed = totalDownloadedSize / totalDownloadTime # 670522.651191692
                    averageSpeedStr = CommonUtils.formatSize(averageSpeed) # '654.8KB'

                    logging.info("download %s size: %s/%s %s%%, speed: avg=%s now=%s",
                        appname, downloadedSizeStr, totalSizeStr, downloadedPercent, averageSpeedStr, instantSpeedStr)

                    prevTime = curTime
[201127 13:46:44][DownloadApps.py 86 ] start to download fknsg2/放开那三国2,url https://gameapktxdl.vivo.com.cn/appstore/developer/soft/20201027/202010271738254e7s6.apk
[201127 13:46:44][DownloadApps.py 98 ] app total size: 1.4GB
[201127 13:48:12][DownloadApps.py 136] download fknsg2/放开那三国2 size: 10.0MB/1.4GB 0.7%, speed: avg=654.8KB now=654.8KB
[201127 13:52:39][DownloadApps.py 136] download fknsg2/放开那三国2 size: 20.0MB/1.4GB 1.4%, speed: avg=190.3KB now=111.4KB
[201127 13:53:05][DownloadApps.py 136] download fknsg2/放开那三国2 size: 30.0MB/1.4GB 2.11%, speed: avg=82.5KB now=38.6KB
[201127 13:53:12][DownloadApps.py 136] download fknsg2/放开那三国2 size: 40.0MB/1.4GB 2.81%, speed: avg=105.5KB now=659.6KB
[201127 13:53:21][DownloadApps.py 136] download fknsg2/放开那三国2 size: 50.0MB/1.4GB 3.51%, speed: avg=129.0KB now=1.1MB
[201127 13:53:30][DownloadApps.py 136] download fknsg2/放开那三国2 size: 60.0MB/1.4GB 4.21%, speed: avg=151.5KB now=1.1MB
[201127 13:53:36][DownloadApps.py 136] download fknsg2/放开那三国2 size: 70.0MB/1.4GB 4.91%, speed: avg=174.0KB now=1.6MB
[201127 13:53:43][DownloadApps.py 136] download fknsg2/放开那三国2 size: 80.0MB/1.4GB 5.62%, speed: avg=195.5KB now=1.4MB
[201127 13:53:49][DownloadApps.py 136] download fknsg2/放开那三国2 size: 90.0MB/1.4GB 6.32%, speed: avg=216.7KB now=1.6MB
[201127 13:53:55][DownloadApps.py 136] download fknsg2/放开那三国2 size: 100.0MB/1.4GB 7.02%, speed: avg=237.5KB now=1.7MB
[201127 13:56:11][DownloadApps.py 86 ] start to download fknsg2/放开那三国2,url https://gameapktxdl.vivo.com.cn/appstore/developer/soft/20201027/202010271738254e7s6.apk
[201127 13:56:11][DownloadApps.py 98 ] app total size: 1.4GB
[201127 13:56:18][DownloadApps.py 136] download fknsg2/放开那三国2 size: 10.0MB/1.4GB 0.7%, speed: avg=1.5MB now=1.5MB
[201127 13:56:24][DownloadApps.py 136] download fknsg2/放开那三国2 size: 20.0MB/1.4GB 1.4%, speed: avg=1.6MB now=1.7MB
[201127 13:56:30][DownloadApps.py 136] download fknsg2/放开那三国2 size: 30.0MB/1.4GB 2.11%, speed: avg=1.6MB now=1.5MB
[201127 13:56:39][DownloadApps.py 136] download fknsg2/放开那三国2 size: 40.0MB/1.4GB 2.81%, speed: avg=1.4MB now=1.2MB
[201127 13:56:46][DownloadApps.py 136] download fknsg2/放开那三国2 size: 50.0MB/1.4GB 3.51%, speed: avg=1.5MB now=1.5MB
[201127 13:56:52][DownloadApps.py 136] download fknsg2/放开那三国2 size: 60.0MB/1.4GB 4.21%, speed: avg=1.5MB now=1.6MB
[201127 13:57:00][DownloadApps.py 136] download fknsg2/放开那三国2 size: 70.0MB/1.4GB 4.91%, speed: avg=1.4MB now=1.2MB
[201127 13:57:08][DownloadApps.py 136] download fknsg2/放开那三国2 size: 80.0MB/1.4GB 5.62%, speed: avg=1.4MB now=1.2MB

                    logging.info("download %s speed: avg=%s now=%s, size: %s/%s %s%%",
                        appname, averageSpeedStr, instantSpeedStr, downloadedSizeStr, totalSizeStr, downloadedPercent)
                    totalDownloadTime = curTime - startTime # 15.63818907737732
                    averageSpeed = totalDownloadedSize / totalDownloadTime # 670522.651191692
                    averageSpeedStr = CommonUtils.formatSize(averageSpeed) # '654.8KB'

                    totalDownloadTimeDict = CommonUtils.floatSecondsToDatetimeDict(totalDownloadTime)
                    totalDownloadTimeStr = CommonUtils.datetimeDictToStr(totalDownloadTimeDict, isShowMilliSecPart=False)

                    logging.info("download %s speed: now=%s/s, time: total=%s, size: %s %s%%",
                        appname, instantSpeedStr, totalDownloadTimeStr, downloadedSizeStr, downloadedPercent)
[201127 14:26:33][DownloadApps.py 86 ] start to download gcld/攻城掠地,url https://gameapktxdl.vivo.com.cn/appstore/developer/soft/20201026/202010261519026im2p.apk
[201127 14:26:33][DownloadApps.py 98 ] app total size: 596.4MB
[201127 14:26:39][DownloadApps.py 139] download gcld/攻城掠地 speed: cur=1.7MB/s, time: total=00:00:05, size: 10.0MB 1.68%
[201127 14:26:45][DownloadApps.py 139] download gcld/攻城掠地 speed: cur=1.7MB/s, time: total=00:00:11, size: 20.0MB 3.35%
[201127 14:26:51][DownloadApps.py 139] download gcld/攻城掠地 speed: cur=1.7MB/s, time: total=00:00:17, size: 30.0MB 5.03%
    def download(self,task):
        totalSizeStr = ""
            r1 = requests.get(url, stream=True)
            total_size = int(r1.headers['Content-Length']) # 447681304
            totalSizeStr = CommonUtils.formatSize(total_size)
            logging.info("app total size: %s", totalSizeStr)
            logging.warning("Fail to get total size 'Content-Length' from %s", url)
            total_size = None
        totalDownloadedSize = os.path.getsize(filepath) if os.path.exists(filepath) else 0
        headers = {
            'Range': 'bytes=%d-' % totalDownloadedSize,
            "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.81 Safari/537.36",
        r = requests.get(url, stream=True, headers=headers)
        ChunkSize = 1024*1024*10 # 10MB
        # ChunkSize = 1024*1024*20 # 20MB
        with open(filepath, "ab") as f:
            startTime = time.time()
            prevTime = startTime
            for chunkBytes in r.iter_content(chunk_size=ChunkSize):
                if chunkBytes:
                    curDownloadedSize = len(chunkBytes) # 10485760
                    curTime = time.time() # 1606456020.0718982

                    totalDownloadedSize += curDownloadedSize # 10485760
                    if total_size is not None:
                        downloadedPercent = round(100 * totalDownloadedSize / total_size, 2) # 0.7
                        downloadedPercent = "Unknown"

                    downloadedSizeStr = CommonUtils.formatSize(totalDownloadedSize) # '10.0MB'

                    curDownloadTime = curTime - prevTime # 15.63818907737732
                    curSpeed = curDownloadedSize / curDownloadTime # 670522.651191692
                    curSpeedStr = CommonUtils.formatSize(curSpeed) # '654.8KB'

                    totalDownloadTime = curTime - startTime # 15.63818907737732
                    averageSpeed = totalDownloadedSize / totalDownloadTime # 670522.651191692
                    averageSpeedStr = CommonUtils.formatSize(averageSpeed) # '654.8KB'

                    totalDownloadTimeDict = CommonUtils.floatSecondsToDatetimeDict(totalDownloadTime)
                    totalDownloadTimeStr = CommonUtils.datetimeDictToStr(totalDownloadTimeDict, isShowMilliSecPart=False)

                    logging.info("download %s speed: cur=%s/s, time: total=%s, size: %s %s%%",
                        appname, curSpeedStr, totalDownloadTimeStr, downloadedSizeStr, downloadedPercent)

                    prevTime = curTime

        downloadTimeSecondsFloat = CommonUtils.calcTimeEnd(downloadCalcTimeKey) # 259.60212874412537
        downloadTimeDict = CommonUtils.floatSecondsToDatetimeDict(downloadTimeSecondsFloat) # {'days': 0, 'hours': 0, 'microseconds': 128, 'millseconds': 602, 'minutes': 4, 'seconds': 19}
        del downloadTimeDict["millseconds"]
        del downloadTimeDict["microseconds"]
        downloadTimeStr = CommonUtils.datetimeDictToStr(downloadTimeDict) # '00:04:19'
        if total_size:
            totalSizeStr = CommonUtils.formatSize(total_size) # '426.9MB'
            speedFloat = total_size / downloadTimeSecondsFloat # 1724490.1117172781
            speedStr = "%s/s" % CommonUtils.formatSize(speedFloat) # '1.6MB/s'
            totalSizeStr = "Unknown"
            speedStr = "Unknown"
        # logging.info("download {} end".format(appname))
        logging.info("download %s end, size=%s, time=%s, speed=%s", appname, totalSizeStr, downloadTimeStr, speedStr)
[201127 14:26:33][DownloadApps.py 86 ] start to download gcld/攻城掠地,url https://gameapktxdl.vivo.com.cn/appstore/developer/soft/20201026/202010261519026im2p.apk
[201127 14:26:33][DownloadApps.py 98 ] app total size: 596.4MB
[201127 14:26:39][DownloadApps.py 139] download gcld/攻城掠地 speed: cur=1.7MB/s, time: total=00:00:05, size: 10.0MB 1.68%
[201127 14:26:45][DownloadApps.py 139] download gcld/攻城掠地 speed: cur=1.7MB/s, time: total=00:00:11, size: 20.0MB 3.35%
[201127 14:26:51][DownloadApps.py 139] download gcld/攻城掠地 speed: cur=1.7MB/s, time: total=00:00:17, size: 30.0MB 5.03%
[201127 14:26:56][DownloadApps.py 139] download gcld/攻城掠地 speed: cur=1.8MB/s, time: total=00:00:23, size: 40.0MB 6.71%
[201127 14:27:02][DownloadApps.py 139] download gcld/攻城掠地 speed: cur=1.6MB/s, time: total=00:00:29, size: 50.0MB 8.38%
[201127 14:27:28][DownloadApps.py 139] download gcld/攻城掠地 speed: cur=1.4MB/s, time: total=00:00:55, size: 90.0MB 15.09%
[201127 14:27:34][DownloadApps.py 139] download gcld/攻城掠地 speed: cur=1.6MB/s, time: total=00:01:01, size: 100.0MB 16.77%
[201127 14:28:57][DownloadApps.py 139] download gcld/攻城掠地 speed: cur=1.2MB/s, time: total=00:02:23, size: 230.0MB 38.56%
[201127 14:29:03][DownloadApps.py 139] download gcld/攻城掠地 speed: cur=1.7MB/s, time: total=00:02:29, size: 240.0MB 40.24%
[201127 14:29:08][DownloadApps.py 139] download gcld/攻城掠地 speed: cur=1.8MB/s, time: total=00:02:35, size: 250.0MB 41.92%
[201127 14:32:26][DownloadApps.py 139] download gcld/攻城掠地 speed: cur=1.8MB/s, time: total=00:05:53, size: 590.0MB 98.92%
[201127 14:32:30][DownloadApps.py 139] download gcld/攻城掠地 speed: cur=1.8MB/s, time: total=00:05:56, size: 596.4MB 100.0%
[201127 14:32:30][DownloadApps.py 157] download gcld/攻城掠地 end, size=596.4MB, time=00:05:57, speed=1.7MB/s
【后记 20201214】

        hasDownloadedSize = os.path.getsize(filepath) if os.path.exists(filepath) else 0
        if totalFileSize:
            hasDownloadPercent = float(hasDownloadedSize / totalFileSize) # 293601280 / 304130341 = 0.9653797744566367
            hasDownloadPercent = 0.0
        hasDownloadPercent100 = hasDownloadPercent * 100
        logging.info("Has downloaded %.2f%%", hasDownloadPercent100)

        curDownloadedSize = 0
        headers = {
            'Range': 'bytes=%d-' % hasDownloadedSize,
            "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.81 Safari/537.36",
        r = requests.get(url, stream=True, headers=headers)
        # ChunkSize = 1024*1024*10 # 10MB
        ChunkSize = 1024*1024*20 # 20MB
        with open(filepath, "ab") as f:
            startTime = time.time()
            prevTime = startTime
            for chunkBytes in r.iter_content(chunk_size=ChunkSize):
                if chunkBytes:
                    curChunkSize = len(chunkBytes) # 10485760
                    curTime = time.time() # 1606456020.0718982

                    curDownloadedSize += curChunkSize # 10485760
                    totalDownloadedSize = curDownloadedSize + hasDownloadedSize

                    if totalFileSize:
                        downloadedPercent = round(100 * totalDownloadedSize / totalFileSize, 2) # 0.7
                        downloadedPercent = "Unknown"

                    downloadedSizeStr = CommonUtils.formatSize(totalDownloadedSize) # '10.0MB'

                    curDownloadTime = curTime - prevTime # 15.63818907737732
                    curSpeed = curChunkSize / curDownloadTime # 670522.651191692
                    curSpeedStr = CommonUtils.formatSize(curSpeed) # '654.8KB'

                    curDownloadTime = curTime - startTime # 15.63818907737732
                    averageSpeed = curDownloadedSize / curDownloadTime # 670522.651191692
                    averageSpeedStr = CommonUtils.formatSize(averageSpeed) # '654.8KB'

                    curDownloadTimeDict = CommonUtils.floatSecondsToDatetimeDict(curDownloadTime)
                    curDownloadTimeStr = CommonUtils.datetimeDictToStr(curDownloadTimeDict, isShowMilliSecPart=False)

                    # logging.info("download %s speed: cur=%s/s, time: total=%s, size: %s %s%%",
                    logging.info("downloading %s: %s/s, %s, %s, %s%%",
                        appname, curSpeedStr, curDownloadTimeStr, downloadedSizeStr, downloadedPercent)

                    prevTime = curTime

        downloadTimeSecondsFloat = CommonUtils.calcTimeEnd(downloadCalcTimeKey) # 259.60212874412537
        downloadTimeDict = CommonUtils.floatSecondsToDatetimeDict(downloadTimeSecondsFloat) # {'days': 0, 'hours': 0, 'microseconds': 128, 'millseconds': 602, 'minutes': 4, 'seconds': 19}
        del downloadTimeDict["millseconds"]
        del downloadTimeDict["microseconds"]
        downloadTimeStr = CommonUtils.datetimeDictToStr(downloadTimeDict) # '00:04:19'
        speedFloat = curDownloadedSize / downloadTimeSecondsFloat # 1724490.1117172781
        speedStr = "%s/s" % CommonUtils.formatSize(speedFloat) # '1.6MB/s'
        logging.info("End download %s, size=%s, time=%s, speed=%s", appname, totalSizeStr, downloadTimeStr, speedStr)

转载请注明:在路上 » 【已解决】给安卓游戏自动化测试添加统计requests的实时下载速度和平均下载速度




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86 queries in 0.174 seconds, using 20.20MB memory