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【已解决】PySpider用json.loads字符串出错:json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Invalid \escape: line 5 column 179 (char 269)

JSON crifan 1558浏览 0评论
        productMatch = re.search("^\s*product:\s*(?P<productJson>\{.+?\}$)", respText, re.S|re.M)
        print("productMatch=%s" % productMatch)
        if productMatch:
            productJson = productMatch.group("productJson")
            print("productJson=%s" % productJson)
            # productJson = productJson.replace("'", '"')
            productJsonFiltered = re.sub("^\s+(?P<keyName>\w+):", '"\g<keyName>":', productJson, flags=re.M)
            # productJsonFiltered = productJsonFiltered.replace("'", '"')
            productJsonFiltered = productJsonFiltered.replace("''", '""')
            print("productJsonFiltered=%s" % productJsonFiltered)
            productDict = json.loads(productJsonFiltered)
            print("productDict=%s" % productDict)
"productISBN": "9780688147327",
"productionOption": "",
"productTitle": "Chrysanthemum",
"productDescription": "<p>Chrysanthemum loves her name — until she starts kindergarten, which is an unfamiliar world full of short names like Sue, Bill, Max, Sam, and Joe. But it\x27s Victoria who really makes Chrysanthemum wilt, offering that <i>she<\/i> was named after her grandmother, which is much more important than being named after a flower. Though Chrysanthemum\x27s parents try to soothe her wounded soul with \x26quot;hugs, kisses, and Parcheesi,\x26quot; it\x27s not easy to find solace (and regain lost self\u002Desteem) with all the girls on the playground threatening to \x26quot;pluck\x26quot; and \x26quot;smell\x26quot; you.<br \/><\/p><br \/><p>Then the children meet their music teacher, charismatic Mrs. Twinkle. Mrs. <i>Delphinium<\/i> Twinkle, that is. When Mrs. Twinkle announces that she wants to name her baby the prettiest name she has ever heard, and that <i>that<\/i> name is <i>Chrysanthemum<\/i>, all the kids wish they had flower names, too. For her part, Chrysanthemum blooms once again.<br \/><\/p><br \/><p>In this award\u002Dwinning picture book, favorite author\/illustrator Henkes once again demonstrates his talent for capturing the difficult dramas of childhood in simple text and cartoon\u002Dlike illustrations. His mouse characters, depicted in energetic pen\u002Dand\u002Dink and watercolor pictures, have all the depth and dimension of real kids (and parents). Especially appropriate for any child with a difficult or unusual name, this perceptive picture book will charm a wider audience with its wit and wisdom.<\/p>",
"productGrades": "K-2",
"productURL": "/content/scholastic/books2/chrysanthemum-by-kevin-henkes",
"productSubjects": "Bullying,Confidence and Self-Esteem,Elementary School,Individuality",
"productAvailability": "true",
"productImageThumbNail": " https://www.scholastic.com/content5/media/products/58/9780590135658_xlg.jpg",
"productCoverImage": " https://www.scholastic.com/content5/media/products/58/9780590135658_mres.jpg",
"productFormat": "Paperback Book",
"productListPrice": "$6.50",
"productListPriceRaw": "6.50",
"productSeriesNumber": "",
"productSeriesName": "",
"productContributorDetails": "Kevin Henkes|Illustrated By|/content/scholastic/contributors/kevin-henkes~Kevin Henkes|Author|/content/scholastic/contributors/kevin-henkes",
"productAvailabilityText": "From the Teacher Store",
"productCartButtonText": "Add to Cart",
"productInventory": "77.0",
"productReadingLevel": "Guided Reading:M | LEXILE MEASURE:570L | Grade Level Equivalent:N/A | DRA:24",
"productGuidedReadingLevel": "M",
"productEnglishLexileLevel": "570L",
"productGradeLevelEquivalent": "N/A",
"productDRALevel": "24",
"productSalePrice": "$6.50",
"productSalePriceRaw": "6.50"
[E 181011 16:32:09 base_handler:203] Invalid \escape: line 5 column 179 (char 269)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/crifan/.local/share/virtualenvs/crawler_scholastic_storybook-ttmbK5Yf/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyspider/libs/base_handler.py", line 196, in run_task
        result = self._run_task(task, response)
      File "/Users/crifan/.local/share/virtualenvs/crawler_scholastic_storybook-ttmbK5Yf/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyspider/libs/base_handler.py", line 176, in _run_task
        return self._run_func(function, response, task)
      File "/Users/crifan/.local/share/virtualenvs/crawler_scholastic_storybook-ttmbK5Yf/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyspider/libs/base_handler.py", line 155, in _run_func
        ret = function(*arguments[:len(args) - 1])
      File "<ScholasticStorybook>", line 118, in singleBookCallback
      File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/3.6.4_4/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/json/__init__.py", line 354, in loads
        return _default_decoder.decode(s)
      File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/3.6.4_4/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/json/decoder.py", line 339, in decode
        obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
      File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/3.6.4_4/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/json/decoder.py", line 355, in raw_decode
        obj, end = self.scan_once(s, idx)
    json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Invalid \escape: line 5 column 179 (char 269)
"productDescription": "<p>Chrysanthemum loves her name — until she starts kindergarten, which is an unfamiliar world full of short names like Sue, Bill, Max, Sam, and Joe. But it\x27s Victoria who really makes Chrysanthemum wilt, offering that <i>she<\/i> was named after her grandmother, which is much more important than being named after a flower. Though Chrysanthemum\x27s parents try to soothe her wounded soul with \x26quot;hugs, kisses, and Parcheesi,\x26quot; it\x27s not easy to find solace (and regain lost self\u002Desteem) with all the girls on the playground threatening to \x26quot;pluck\x26quot; and \x26quot;smell\x26quot; you.<br \/><\/p><br \/><p>Then the children meet their music teacher, charismatic Mrs. Twinkle. Mrs. <i>Delphinium<\/i> Twinkle, that is. When Mrs. Twinkle announces that she wants to name her baby the prettiest name she has ever heard, and that <i>that<\/i> name is <i>Chrysanthemum<\/i>, all the kids wish they had flower names, too. For her part, Chrysanthemum blooms once again.<br \/><\/p><br \/><p>In this award\u002Dwinning picture book, favorite author\/illustrator Henkes once again demonstrates his talent for capturing the difficult dramas of childhood in simple text and cartoon\u002Dlike illustrations. His mouse characters, depicted in energetic pen\u002Dand\u002Dink and watercolor pictures, have all the depth and dimension of real kids (and parents). Especially appropriate for any child with a difficult or unusual name, this perceptive picture book will charm a wider audience with its wit and wisdom.<\/p>",
其中column 179好像是:\x27
python json loads json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Invalid \escape
Python json.loads fails with `ValueError: Invalid control character at: line 1 column 33 (char 33)` – Stack Overflow
productDict = json.loads(productJsonFiltered, strict=False)
python – json reading error json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Invalid \escape – Stack Overflow
python遇坑记录-json.loads() :JSONDecodeError: Invalid \escape – screte – 博客园
[python]json.loads 几种错误 解决方案 – AltenLi – CSDN博客
Invalid control character with Python json.loads – Stack Overflow
Invalid \escape in json.loads(), python 2.7 – Stack Overflow
python中json报错JSONDecodeError: invalid control character – Richard_vim的博客 – CSDN博客
productDict = json.loads(productJsonFiltered, strict=False, encoding="utf-8")
  • \u002
  • \x26quot;
        productMatch = re.search("^\s*product:\s*(?P<productJson>\{.+?\}$)", respText, re.S|re.M)
        print("productMatch=%s" % productMatch)
        if productMatch:
            productJson = productMatch.group("productJson")
            print("productJson=%s" % productJson)
            # productJson = productJson.replace("'", '"')
            productJsonFiltered = re.sub("^\s+(?P<keyName>\w+):", '"\g<keyName>":', productJson, flags=re.M)
            # productJsonFiltered = productJsonFiltered.replace("'", '"')
            productJsonFiltered = productJsonFiltered.replace("''", '""')
            print("productJsonFiltered=%s" % productJsonFiltered)
            descriptionValueMatch = re.search('"productDescription":\s*"(?P<descriptionValue>.+?)",', productJsonFiltered)
            print("descriptionValueMatch=%s" % descriptionValueMatch)
            if descriptionValueMatch:
                descriptionValue = descriptionValueMatch.group("descriptionValue")
                print("descriptionValue=%s" % descriptionValue)

                descriptionValueFiltered = descriptionValue.replace("\/", "/")
                print("descriptionValueFiltered=%s" % descriptionValueFiltered)
                description = htmlToString(descriptionValueFiltered)
                print("description=%s" % description)

                productJsonFiltered = productJsonFiltered.replace(descriptionValue, "")
                print("productJsonFiltered=%s" % productJsonFiltered)

            # productDict = json.loads(productJsonFiltered)
            # productDict = json.loads(productJsonFiltered, strict=False)
            productDict = json.loads(productJsonFiltered, strict=False, encoding="utf-8")
            print("productDict=%s" % productDict)
productMatch=<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(3785, 6783), match='      product: {\n        productISBN: "978068814>
        productISBN: "9780688147327",
        productionOption: '',
        productTitle: "Chrysanthemum",
        productDescription: "<p>Chrysanthemum loves her name — until she starts kindergarten, which is an unfamiliar world full of short names like Sue, Bill, Max, Sam, and Joe. But it\x27s Victoria who really makes Chrysanthemum wilt, offering that <i>she<\/i> was named after her grandmother, which is much more important than being named after a flower. Though Chrysanthemum\x27s parents try to soothe her wounded soul with \x26quot;hugs, kisses, and Parcheesi,\x26quot; it\x27s not easy to find solace (and regain lost self\u002Desteem) with all the girls on the playground threatening to \x26quot;pluck\x26quot; and \x26quot;smell\x26quot; you.<br \/><\/p><br \/><p>Then the children meet their music teacher, charismatic Mrs. Twinkle. Mrs. <i>Delphinium<\/i> Twinkle, that is. When Mrs. Twinkle announces that she wants to name her baby the prettiest name she has ever heard, and that <i>that<\/i> name is <i>Chrysanthemum<\/i>, all the kids wish they had flower names, too. For her part, Chrysanthemum blooms once again.<br \/><\/p><br \/><p>In this award\u002Dwinning picture book, favorite author\/illustrator Henkes once again demonstrates his talent for capturing the difficult dramas of childhood in simple text and cartoon\u002Dlike illustrations. His mouse characters, depicted in energetic pen\u002Dand\u002Dink and watercolor pictures, have all the depth and dimension of real kids (and parents). Especially appropriate for any child with a difficult or unusual name, this perceptive picture book will charm a wider audience with its wit and wisdom.<\/p>",
        productGrades: "K-2",
        productURL: "/content/scholastic/books2/chrysanthemum-by-kevin-henkes",
        productSubjects: "Bullying,Confidence and Self-Esteem,Elementary School,Individuality",
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        productSeriesName: "",
        productContributorDetails: "Kevin Henkes|Illustrated By|/content/scholastic/contributors/kevin-henkes~Kevin Henkes|Author|/content/scholastic/contributors/kevin-henkes",
        productAvailabilityText: "From the Teacher Store",
        productCartButtonText: "Add to Cart",
        productInventory: "77.0",
        productReadingLevel: "Guided Reading:M | LEXILE MEASURE:570L | Grade Level Equivalent:N/A | DRA:24",
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"productISBN": "9780688147327",
"productionOption": "",
"productTitle": "Chrysanthemum",
"productDescription": "<p>Chrysanthemum loves her name — until she starts kindergarten, which is an unfamiliar world full of short names like Sue, Bill, Max, Sam, and Joe. But it\x27s Victoria who really makes Chrysanthemum wilt, offering that <i>she<\/i> was named after her grandmother, which is much more important than being named after a flower. Though Chrysanthemum\x27s parents try to soothe her wounded soul with \x26quot;hugs, kisses, and Parcheesi,\x26quot; it\x27s not easy to find solace (and regain lost self\u002Desteem) with all the girls on the playground threatening to \x26quot;pluck\x26quot; and \x26quot;smell\x26quot; you.<br \/><\/p><br \/><p>Then the children meet their music teacher, charismatic Mrs. Twinkle. Mrs. <i>Delphinium<\/i> Twinkle, that is. When Mrs. Twinkle announces that she wants to name her baby the prettiest name she has ever heard, and that <i>that<\/i> name is <i>Chrysanthemum<\/i>, all the kids wish they had flower names, too. For her part, Chrysanthemum blooms once again.<br \/><\/p><br \/><p>In this award\u002Dwinning picture book, favorite author\/illustrator Henkes once again demonstrates his talent for capturing the difficult dramas of childhood in simple text and cartoon\u002Dlike illustrations. His mouse characters, depicted in energetic pen\u002Dand\u002Dink and watercolor pictures, have all the depth and dimension of real kids (and parents). Especially appropriate for any child with a difficult or unusual name, this perceptive picture book will charm a wider audience with its wit and wisdom.<\/p>",
"productGrades": "K-2",
"productURL": "/content/scholastic/books2/chrysanthemum-by-kevin-henkes",
"productSubjects": "Bullying,Confidence and Self-Esteem,Elementary School,Individuality",
"productAvailability": "true",
"productImageThumbNail": " https://www.scholastic.com/content5/media/products/58/9780590135658_xlg.jpg",
"productCoverImage": " https://www.scholastic.com/content5/media/products/58/9780590135658_mres.jpg",
"productFormat": "Paperback Book",
"productListPrice": "$6.50",
"productListPriceRaw": "6.50",
"productSeriesNumber": "",
"productSeriesName": "",
"productContributorDetails": "Kevin Henkes|Illustrated By|/content/scholastic/contributors/kevin-henkes~Kevin Henkes|Author|/content/scholastic/contributors/kevin-henkes",
"productAvailabilityText": "From the Teacher Store",
"productCartButtonText": "Add to Cart",
"productInventory": "77.0",
"productReadingLevel": "Guided Reading:M | LEXILE MEASURE:570L | Grade Level Equivalent:N/A | DRA:24",
"productGuidedReadingLevel": "M",
"productEnglishLexileLevel": "570L",
"productGradeLevelEquivalent": "N/A",
"productDRALevel": "24",
"productSalePrice": "$6.50",
"productSalePriceRaw": "6.50"
descriptionValueMatch=<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(91, 1657), match='"productDescription": "<p>Chrysanthemum loves her>
descriptionValue=<p>Chrysanthemum loves her name — until she starts kindergarten, which is an unfamiliar world full of short names like Sue, Bill, Max, Sam, and Joe. But it\x27s Victoria who really makes Chrysanthemum wilt, offering that <i>she<\/i> was named after her grandmother, which is much more important than being named after a flower. Though Chrysanthemum\x27s parents try to soothe her wounded soul with \x26quot;hugs, kisses, and Parcheesi,\x26quot; it\x27s not easy to find solace (and regain lost self\u002Desteem) with all the girls on the playground threatening to \x26quot;pluck\x26quot; and \x26quot;smell\x26quot; you.<br \/><\/p><br \/><p>Then the children meet their music teacher, charismatic Mrs. Twinkle. Mrs. <i>Delphinium<\/i> Twinkle, that is. When Mrs. Twinkle announces that she wants to name her baby the prettiest name she has ever heard, and that <i>that<\/i> name is <i>Chrysanthemum<\/i>, all the kids wish they had flower names, too. For her part, Chrysanthemum blooms once again.<br \/><\/p><br \/><p>In this award\u002Dwinning picture book, favorite author\/illustrator Henkes once again demonstrates his talent for capturing the difficult dramas of childhood in simple text and cartoon\u002Dlike illustrations. His mouse characters, depicted in energetic pen\u002Dand\u002Dink and watercolor pictures, have all the depth and dimension of real kids (and parents). Especially appropriate for any child with a difficult or unusual name, this perceptive picture book will charm a wider audience with its wit and wisdom.<\/p>
descriptionValueFiltered=<p>Chrysanthemum loves her name — until she starts kindergarten, which is an unfamiliar world full of short names like Sue, Bill, Max, Sam, and Joe. But it\x27s Victoria who really makes Chrysanthemum wilt, offering that <i>she</i> was named after her grandmother, which is much more important than being named after a flower. Though Chrysanthemum\x27s parents try to soothe her wounded soul with \x26quot;hugs, kisses, and Parcheesi,\x26quot; it\x27s not easy to find solace (and regain lost self\u002Desteem) with all the girls on the playground threatening to \x26quot;pluck\x26quot; and \x26quot;smell\x26quot; you.<br /></p><br /><p>Then the children meet their music teacher, charismatic Mrs. Twinkle. Mrs. <i>Delphinium</i> Twinkle, that is. When Mrs. Twinkle announces that she wants to name her baby the prettiest name she has ever heard, and that <i>that</i> name is <i>Chrysanthemum</i>, all the kids wish they had flower names, too. For her part, Chrysanthemum blooms once again.<br /></p><br /><p>In this award\u002Dwinning picture book, favorite author/illustrator Henkes once again demonstrates his talent for capturing the difficult dramas of childhood in simple text and cartoon\u002Dlike illustrations. His mouse characters, depicted in energetic pen\u002Dand\u002Dink and watercolor pictures, have all the depth and dimension of real kids (and parents). Especially appropriate for any child with a difficult or unusual name, this perceptive picture book will charm a wider audience with its wit and wisdom.</p>
htmlText=<p>Chrysanthemum loves her name — until she starts kindergarten, which is an unfamiliar world full of short names like Sue, Bill, Max, Sam, and Joe. But it\x27s Victoria who really makes Chrysanthemum wilt, offering that <i>she</i> was named after her grandmother, which is much more important than being named after a flower. Though Chrysanthemum\x27s parents try to soothe her wounded soul with \x26quot;hugs, kisses, and Parcheesi,\x26quot; it\x27s not easy to find solace (and regain lost self\u002Desteem) with all the girls on the playground threatening to \x26quot;pluck\x26quot; and \x26quot;smell\x26quot; you.
<p>Then the children meet their music teacher, charismatic Mrs. Twinkle. Mrs. <i>Delphinium</i> Twinkle, that is. When Mrs. Twinkle announces that she wants to name her baby the prettiest name she has ever heard, and that <i>that</i> name is <i>Chrysanthemum</i>, all the kids wish they had flower names, too. For her part, Chrysanthemum blooms once again.
<p>In this award\u002Dwinning picture book, favorite author/illustrator Henkes once again demonstrates his talent for capturing the difficult dramas of childhood in simple text and cartoon\u002Dlike illustrations. His mouse characters, depicted in energetic pen\u002Dand\u002Dink and watercolor pictures, have all the depth and dimension of real kids (and parents). Especially appropriate for any child with a difficult or unusual name, this perceptive picture book will charm a wider audience with its wit and wisdom.</p>
soup=<html><body><p>Chrysanthemum loves her name — until she starts kindergarten, which is an unfamiliar world full of short names like Sue, Bill, Max, Sam, and Joe. But it\x27s Victoria who really makes Chrysanthemum wilt, offering that <i>she</i> was named after her grandmother, which is much more important than being named after a flower. Though Chrysanthemum\x27s parents try to soothe her wounded soul with \x26quot;hugs, kisses, and Parcheesi,\x26quot; it\x27s not easy to find solace (and regain lost self\u002Desteem) with all the girls on the playground threatening to \x26quot;pluck\x26quot; and \x26quot;smell\x26quot; you.
<p>Then the children meet their music teacher, charismatic Mrs. Twinkle. Mrs. <i>Delphinium</i> Twinkle, that is. When Mrs. Twinkle announces that she wants to name her baby the prettiest name she has ever heard, and that <i>that</i> name is <i>Chrysanthemum</i>, all the kids wish they had flower names, too. For her part, Chrysanthemum blooms once again.
<p>In this award\u002Dwinning picture book, favorite author/illustrator Henkes once again demonstrates his talent for capturing the difficult dramas of childhood in simple text and cartoon\u002Dlike illustrations. His mouse characters, depicted in energetic pen\u002Dand\u002Dink and watercolor pictures, have all the depth and dimension of real kids (and parents). Especially appropriate for any child with a difficult or unusual name, this perceptive picture book will charm a wider audience with its wit and wisdom.</p></body></html>
pureText=Chrysanthemum loves her name — until she starts kindergarten, which is an unfamiliar world full of short names like Sue, Bill, Max, Sam, and Joe. But it\x27s Victoria who really makes Chrysanthemum wilt, offering that she was named after her grandmother, which is much more important than being named after a flower. Though Chrysanthemum\x27s parents try to soothe her wounded soul with \x26quot;hugs, kisses, and Parcheesi,\x26quot; it\x27s not easy to find solace (and regain lost self\u002Desteem) with all the girls on the playground threatening to \x26quot;pluck\x26quot; and \x26quot;smell\x26quot; you.

Then the children meet their music teacher, charismatic Mrs. Twinkle. Mrs. Delphinium Twinkle, that is. When Mrs. Twinkle announces that she wants to name her baby the prettiest name she has ever heard, and that that name is Chrysanthemum, all the kids wish they had flower names, too. For her part, Chrysanthemum blooms once again.

In this award\u002Dwinning picture book, favorite author/illustrator Henkes once again demonstrates his talent for capturing the difficult dramas of childhood in simple text and cartoon\u002Dlike illustrations. His mouse characters, depicted in energetic pen\u002Dand\u002Dink and watercolor pictures, have all the depth and dimension of real kids (and parents). Especially appropriate for any child with a difficult or unusual name, this perceptive picture book will charm a wider audience with its wit and wisdom.
description=Chrysanthemum loves her name — until she starts kindergarten, which is an unfamiliar world full of short names like Sue, Bill, Max, Sam, and Joe. But it\x27s Victoria who really makes Chrysanthemum wilt, offering that she was named after her grandmother, which is much more important than being named after a flower. Though Chrysanthemum\x27s parents try to soothe her wounded soul with \x26quot;hugs, kisses, and Parcheesi,\x26quot; it\x27s not easy to find solace (and regain lost self\u002Desteem) with all the girls on the playground threatening to \x26quot;pluck\x26quot; and \x26quot;smell\x26quot; you.

Then the children meet their music teacher, charismatic Mrs. Twinkle. Mrs. Delphinium Twinkle, that is. When Mrs. Twinkle announces that she wants to name her baby the prettiest name she has ever heard, and that that name is Chrysanthemum, all the kids wish they had flower names, too. For her part, Chrysanthemum blooms once again.

In this award\u002Dwinning picture book, favorite author/illustrator Henkes once again demonstrates his talent for capturing the difficult dramas of childhood in simple text and cartoon\u002Dlike illustrations. His mouse characters, depicted in energetic pen\u002Dand\u002Dink and watercolor pictures, have all the depth and dimension of real kids (and parents). Especially appropriate for any child with a difficult or unusual name, this perceptive picture book will charm a wider audience with its wit and wisdom.
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"productAvailabilityText": "From the Teacher Store",
"productCartButtonText": "Add to Cart",
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"productReadingLevel": "Guided Reading:M | LEXILE MEASURE:570L | Grade Level Equivalent:N/A | DRA:24",
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【已解决】PySpider中把一段html的字符串去除entity和unicode escape转义

转载请注明:在路上 » 【已解决】PySpider用json.loads字符串出错:json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Invalid \escape: line 5 column 179 (char 269)




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