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标签:Access to the path is denied

【已解决】C#项目编译出错:TlbImp : error TI0000: System.UnauthorizedAccessException - Access to the path xxx is denied. Microsoft.Common.targets: warning MSB3283: Cannot find wrapper assembly for type library "SHDocVw".

【已解决】C#项目编译出错:TlbImp : error TI0000: System.UnauthorizedAccessException – Access to the path xxx is denied. Microsoft.Common.targets: warning MSB3283: Cannot find wrapper assembly for type library "SHDocVw".

crifan 13年前 (2012-09-27) 3710浏览 0评论

【问题】 C#项目中,之前通过: 【也许解决】C#中,集成DLL库到自己的exe程序中 尝试过把一个dll库,Interop.SHDocVw.dll,添加到当前资源,然后貌似也整合好了。 但是后来重新打开此C#项目,再去编译一下,结果却出错了: -...

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