How to calculate your 13th salary according to you hire date
The whole info show in follow table (original is in Excel file):
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
1 |
| 12/31/2010 |
2 | Hire Date | Service portion | Monthly Base | 13th salary |
3 | 10/15/2010 | 17% | 5000.00 | 833.3 | 76 | 2.4918033 | 2 |
Already know:
You first on-board/employment day is: 2010-10-15
The end of year: 2010-12-31
Assume your basic month salary is : 5000
The steps to calculate your partly 13th salary:
The days between your first day to the end of year is:
E3 = DAYS360(A3, B1)
= 76 days
The corresponding months is:
F3 = IF( E3 >=360, 12, (E3 / 30.5) )
= IF(76>=360, 12, 76/30.5)
= IF(76>=360, 12, 2.4918033)
= 2.4918033
In which:
360 means if you hire days already exceed 360 days, take it as the whole year, 12 months.
30.5 means the average days of each month.
Then the actual used number of month is:
G3 = ROUND(F3, 0)
= ROUND(2.491803279, 0)
= 2
So the final percentage is:
B3 = G3 / 12
= 2 /12
= 0.16667
= 17%
Then your partly 13th salary is:
E3 = C3 * D3
= 17% * 5000
= 833.3
转载请注明:在路上 » 如何按照入职天数按比例计算第13薪