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SQuirreL SQL Client Home Page


SQuirreL SQL Client Home Page



 SQuirreL SQL Client is a graphical Java program that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands etc. It is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
The following compatibility matrix shows which version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required (minimum version) for different versions of the SQuirreL SQL Client:
SQuirreL SQL Client Version
JRE Minimum Version
3.0 and higher
2.4 – 2.6.x
2.0 – 2.3.2
The installation offers two install packages Base and Standard and a number of optional plugins. The Standard package contains the following plugins:
Code Completion – Offers code completion the same way as modern IDEs do.
Syntax – Syntax highlighting.
Edit Extras – Auxiliary functions to work with SQL code (for example, formatting)
Graph – create a chart of tables and foreign-key relationships between them
SQL Script – Generation of SQL and DDL scripts
SQL Bookmarks – Managing SQL code templates
Look and Feel – Switching the look and feel
The following optional plugins are provided:
Data import – Import arbitary files into the database
DBCopy – Copy database objects from one session to another
DB2 – DBMS-specific capabilities
Derby – DBMS-specific capabilities
Firebird – DBMS-specific capabilities
Firebird Manager – Manage your Firebird Database Server
Hibernate – Tools for developing Hibernate applications
H2 – DBMS-specific capabilities
Informix – DBMS-specific capabilities
Microsoft SQL Server – DBMS-specific capabilities
MySQL – DBMS-specific capabilities
Oracle – DBMS-specific capabilities
PostgreSQL – DBMS-specific capabilities
Refactoring – refactor your database schema using refactoring patterns
Smart Tools – Handy tools for manipulating data
Session Scripts – run SQL when opening an session
SQL Parametrisation – put variables into your SQL statements
SQL Replace – place environment variables into your SQL statements
SQL Validator – validate SQL against the ISO SQL-99 standard
Sybase – DBMS-specific capabilities
Internationalization – tools for translators
WIKI tables configurations – How to copy a table as WIKI text for a specific WIKI engine
Swing Violation Detector – Help to detect violated rules of the Swing programming model
For Windows the file squirrel-sql.bat will run the application. For Unix the file is squirrel-sql.sh. On some operating systems a "shortcut" will be created in the menu system as part of the installation process.

转载请注明:在路上 » [记录]尝试SQL客户端:SQuirreL




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