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[整理]React Native资料 Reactive响应式编程

React Native crifan 2487浏览 0评论

学习 React Native for Android:环境搭建 | HaHack

搭建开发环境 – React Native 中文网

在Windows下搭建React Native Android开发环境 | 论坛 – React Native中文社区

React Native 中文网

使用React Native编写的应用

Who’s using React Native?

iOS原生模块 – React Native 中文网

Android原生模块 – React Native 中文网

GitHub – reactnativecn/react-native-guide: React Native指南汇集了各类react-native学习资源、开源App和组件

React Native官方文档中文版_React Native中文教程_React Native开发中文手册[PDF]下载-极客学院Wiki



ReactiveX/RxSwift: Reactive Programming in Swift



vsouza/awesome-ios: A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects


Reactive Programming

  • RxSwift – Reactive Programming in Swift 

  • RxOptional – RxSwift extentions for Swift optionals and "Occupiable" types [e]
  • ReactiveTask – Flexible, stream-based abstraction for launching processes 

  • ReactiveCocoa – Streams of values over time 

  • RxMediaPicker – A reactive wrapper built around UIImagePickerController. 

  • ReactiveCoreData – ReactiveCoreData (RCD) is an attempt to bring Core Data into the ReactiveCocoa (RAC) world.
  • ReSwift – Unidirectional Data Flow in Swift – Inspired by Redux 

  • ReactiveKit – ReactiveKit is a collection of Swift frameworks for reactive and functional reactive programming. 

  • RxPermission – RxSwift bindings for Permissions API in iOS. 

  • RxAlamofire – RxSwift wrapper around the elegant HTTP networking in Swift Alamofire 

  • RxRealm – Rx wrapper for Realm’s collection types 

  • RxMultipeer – A testable RxSwift wrapper around MultipeerConnectivity 

  • RxBluetoothKit – iOS & OSX Bluetooth library for RxSwift 

  • RxGesture – RxSwift reactive wrapper for view gestures 


RxSwiftCommunity/RxAlamofire: RxSwift wrapper around the elegant HTTP networking in Swift Alamofire

iOS-tech-frontier/ReactNavtive框架教程.md at master · bboyfeiyu/iOS-tech-frontier

iOS-tech-frontier/Swift的响应式编程.md at master · bboyfeiyu/iOS-tech-frontier

Use React Native


facebook/react-native · GitHub

React Native | A framework for building native apps using React

Getting Started – React Native | A framework for building native apps using React

Tutorial – React Native | A framework for building native apps using React

Showcase – React Native | A framework for building native apps using React

React Native-目前最火的前端技术

“现在好了,React 整套解决方案完成了江湖统一,FaceBook 也号称这们技术是 “Learn Once,Write AnyWhere”,学习成本只有一次,却完成了所有开发角色的统一。


app 将来都是可像网页一样热更新,随时发布。



目前,React Native 也还是有一些缺点的,比如他的 sdk 组件包 size 还比较大,crash 还比较多,在 ios 上支持的内容已经相当不错,android 还属于初级阶段,但是目前最新的版本也才是 0.16,相信再过一年, 一定会牛逼闪闪。"

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