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【转】HTML中常见形如&#number;的东西叫做 字符实体引用,简称引用,代表一个对应的unicode字符

HTML crifan 2450浏览 0评论

【转】HTML中常见形如&#number;的东西叫做 字符实体引用,简称引用,代表一个对应的unicode字符





Character entity references, or entities for short, provide a method of entering characters that cannot be expressed in the document’s character encoding or that cannot easily be entered on a keyboard. Entities are case-sensitive and take the form &name;. Examples of entities include © for the copyright symbol and Α for the Greek capital letter alpha.

In addition to entities, authors can use numeric character references. While entities are limited to a subset of Unicode characters, numeric character references can specify any character. Numeric character references may be given in decimal or hexadecimal, though browser support is stronger for decimal references. Decimal references are of the form &#number; while hexadecimal references take the case-insensitive form &#xnumber;. Examples of numeric character references include © or © for the copyright symbol, Α or Α for the Greek capital letter alpha, and ا or ا for the Arabic letter alef.

The following documents feature tables of the character entity references in HTML 4, along with the numeric character reference in decimal and hexadecimal. A rendering of each character reference is provided so that users may check their browsers’ compliance.



  • Latin-1 Entities
  • Symbols and Greek Letters
  • Other Special Characters
  • 下面摘录一些常见的:

    Character< xmlnamespace prefix ="o" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />




    Rendering in Your Browser




    no-break space = non-breaking space




    cent sign







    pound sign







    currency sign







    yen sign = yuan sign







    section sign







    diaeresis = spacing diaeresis







    copyright sign







    registered sign = registered trade mark sign







    degree sign







    plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign







    acute accent = spacing acute







    micro sign







    pilcrow sign = paragraph sign







    middle dot = Georgian comma = Greek middle dot







    masculine ordinal indicator







    right-pointing double angle quotation mark = right pointing guillemet







    vulgar fraction one quarter = fraction one quarter







    vulgar fraction one half = fraction one half







    vulgar fraction three quarters = fraction three quarters







    inverted question mark = turned question mark







    multiplication sign







    Latin capital letter O with stroke = Latin capital letter O slash







    Latin small letter sharp s = ess-zed







    division sign







    Latin small letter o with stroke = Latin small letter o slash








    quotation mark = APL quote











    less-than sign




    greater-than sign




    转载请注明:在路上 » 【转】HTML中常见形如&#number;的东西叫做 字符实体引用,简称引用,代表一个对应的unicode字符




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